這是我第三次參加路跑活動,之前跑過nike 9k run、samsung 3k 路跑,這次想說跑個遠一點的,於是就報了半程馬拉松組-21km! (全程要42km= = 我應該還沒跑完就先撲街了吧....)
之前都很準時早起參加,沒想到~~~~~~~這次發生慘案了=..="大會規定5:40集合、6:00準時起跑,你她x的我睡到5:50驚醒,真是看到鬼~好險前一晚就把東西準備好,加上會場離我家不遠,等我火速趕到現場、停好車、跑到起跑點時,抬頭看看計時器已經6:13分了!!!!好險遲到15分鐘內都還可以(我後面還有人陸陸續續趕到,大家果然都不習慣早起~嘖嘖嘖~),而且他計時是用晶片紀錄的,何時出發都無所謂,不影響成績(反正我也不在乎,有跑完就阿彌陀佛了- -)
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"ONCE" - the movie which has been put on my to-watch list for a long time and I finally rented it in vids store last night. (actually, I would like to get "Jigsaw V" but it's not available.- -)
It's really amazing when the actor sings with the guitar on the steet. It's full of strength and power, not only the music but the whole scene. (BTW, the brand of guitar is "Takamine", the same of mine. haha )
The plot is easy, but the music is grand. Everyone whe loves music or plays the music shuold watch this brilliant stuff. After watching it, I can more ensure that best music should be simple and pure. Songs in this movie is the obvious evidence. The lyrics and melodies are quite easy to read and listen. Touching is alway coming from the nature of human - love, hate, anxious, angry etc..
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Dear Stranger.
That night, somehow I felt my eyes moisturized when I saw you slapping the guitar on the stage.Perhaps it's because the dim illumination, few audience and damn minor type.
I sank myself into the ragged sofa, keeping my eyes on you. Suddenly, the surroundings seemed to be vacuumed. Nothing was left but both of us. The atmosphere was peaceful, quiet and still.
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Where have you been
I still remember
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