
"ONCE" - the movie which has been put on my to-watch list for a long time and I finally rented it in vids store last night. (actually, I would like to get "Jigsaw V" but it's not available.- -)

It's really amazing when the actor sings with the guitar on the steet. It's full of strength and power, not only the music but the whole scene. (BTW, the brand of guitar is "Takamine", the same of mine. haha )

The plot is easy, but the music is grand. Everyone whe loves music or plays the music shuold watch this brilliant stuff.  After watching it, I can more ensure that best music should be simple and pure. Songs in this movie is the obvious evidence. The lyrics and melodies are quite easy to read and listen. Touching is alway coming from the nature of human - love, hate, anxious, angry etc..

Falling slowly~

When Your Mind's Made Up~



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